Have you noticed when someone asks what your goals are, you might answer with ideas of traveling, finishing college, having a career, family, etc.? For those healing from trauma, I hear goals of ...read more
The first step to healing in therapy is not as scary as you think. It's to first believe that you DESERVE it. TRULY believe you deserve it. That you deserve happiness and joy. You deserve to ...read more
Long to Feel Protected but too Scared to Trust?
As a survivor of childhood trauma, you may not recognize this longing as “safety and protection,” but you do know that you long for someone to hold you in their arms. To tell you it will be okay ...read more
Finding it hard to feel Hope? Coping tools for stress
Hope is not showing it's pretty, little head right now. But it is there. It can be hard to find when it’s buried so down deep, you can’t see it or touch it. It’s lost and forgotten. Underneath all ...read more
Is therapy right for you right now?
You’re stressed and overwhelmed. The last thing you want to do is focus on negative emotions in therapy right now. If you have kids at home, you may feel you don’t have the time (or energy) to deal ...read more