Are you tired of your depression holding you down?
You want so much to feel happy again but feel like you just can’t physically get there. It takes too much energy and effort to do anything. So, you withdraw even more, falling deeper and deeper in the well of depression. Hopelessness starts to seep in.
But even from the darkness, you can still see that shiny, little speck of light at the top, providing you a glimpse of hope, encouraging you to reach out.
Hopelessness has not taken completely over yet. I help people dig from what feels like the bottom of a well. First, by simply just listening to your hurt and pain. This first step to overcoming depression and making hope stronger is knowing someone gets it. And I do. Depression can feel like a constant battle that you fight on your own. I want to make sure you know and trust that we’re in it together.
As I gain understanding of your unique experience, we will identify and break down what may have led to depression. Past trauma. Past relationships. Family relationships that have led you to believe certain things about yourself, others, or life in general. Old wounds left open from negative life experiences often means carrying old, negative beliefs that become daunting, exhausting and leave you feeling heavy or numb. Keeping you stuck in the well.
But, by letting go one experience at a time, with the use of EMDR and other counseling techniques, you will start to feel lighter. Moving one step up the ladder and closer to the light at the top. Making the light appear bigger and brighter each time, until you’re finally out.
This is not talking about things over and over, session after session. And it’s not about thinking of a positive thought to replace a negative thought. These techniques are about your mind, body, and emotions communicating with each other, connecting the dots, so that true internal understanding and healing can happen.
No more cloud or darkness, but instead clarity and lightness.
Once you’re out of the darkness that is depression, its common to fear falling back into the well. So that’s why we don’t stop there. We will continue to build other skills that will continue to build confidence in your ability to manage, as well as how to get out on your own if depression attempts to take over again.
Often by this time, however, it doesn’t take so much effort to feel happy, joy, or get energized. And with clarity, you most likely will recognize when depression is coming, so you’re prepared to take action sooner and with more ease, only increasing your confidence.
Please contact me for a free 20-minute consultation to learn more about how counseling may be able to help.